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Karachaganak Kashagan recent news

В Березовке сегодня вновь падали в обморок школьники

Сегодня шестерых школьников села Березовка Западно-Казахстанской области прямо с уроков доставили в сельскую амбулаторию после обморока. Это третий за неделю случай массового отравления в селе, расположенном рядом с нефтегазовым месторождением Карачаганак. Репортаж Азаттыка из села Березовка.

Karachaganak Press Release recent news

Mass Poisoning of the Children in Berezovka: Causes of the Emergency and the Account of Events

On November 28, 2014, at least 19 children and three adults lost consciousness in the school of the village of Berezovka, West Kazakhstan, and were taken to the Burlin district hospital in the city of Aksai. Six children were later transported to the regional hospital in Uralsk. On November 29, the Deputy Head of the Regional Health Administration, M. Aymurzieva reported that there has been exposure to an unknown toxic substance. On December 3, Regional Prosecutor S. Karamanov stated that gases were emitted within the territory of the Karachaganak oil field in excess of the maximum permissible concentrations of hazardous substances.