Following the snap transition of power in Turkmenistan, Crude Accountability urges western governments and international institutions to demand transparency and accountability from the country’s new …

Crude Accountability has been working in Turkmenistan since 2003 to advocate for better environmental practices surrounding oil and gas development projects.
We work to hold accountable the international organizations that turn a blind eye to the gross human rights and environmental violations occurring in the country.
Following the snap transition of power in Turkmenistan, Crude Accountability urges western governments and international institutions to demand transparency and accountability from the country’s new …
Crude Accountability is pleased that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development canceled the CMI Offshore loan to Turkmenistan, which would have supported offshore oil …
Crude Accountability leads an international campaign to protect a fragile and unique ecosystem in Turkmenistan, which is on the Caspian Sea coast, from the dangerous …
Statement by the Civic Solidarity Platform November 2, 2017 According to multiple sources, on the night of 28 to 29 October, the home of 76-year-old …
During the annual HDIM session, Crude Accountability delivered a statement on the rights of environmental defenders in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The …
Washington DC—In response to an international campaign led by US NGO Crude Accountability, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) decided to postpone its …
In January 2017, Crude Accountability initiated the open letter addressed to the European Bank Bank for Reconstruction and Development regarding the CMI Offshore Project and the …
In January 2017, Crude Accountability was among 37 civil society organizations who signed the open letter addressed to the European Bank Bank for Reconstruction and …
On February 12, 2017, the scheduled presidential “election” will be held in Turkmenistan. We believe that these elections can in no way be called honest, …
To: Board of Directors European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Dear Board of Directors: We are writing to express our grave concerns about the CMI …