frontpage Press Release recent news

International Environmental Activists Denied Visitation with Evgeny Vitishko at Sadovaya Prison Colony

Vitishko is serving three years in the penal colony for allegedly writing graffiti on an illegal fence in a protected forest in Krasnodar region. An outspoken critic of the Sochi Olympics, about which EWNC wrote a comprehensive report cataloging the numerous environmental violations associated with the construction of the Olympic village and surrounding infrastructure, Vitishko has been unjustly targeted by the Russian authorities for his environmental activism. Denied parole in April 2015, he has served one year and three months of his three year sentence.

Karachaganak Kashagan recent news

В Березовке сегодня вновь падали в обморок школьники

Сегодня шестерых школьников села Березовка Западно-Казахстанской области прямо с уроков доставили в сельскую амбулаторию после обморока. Это третий за неделю случай массового отравления в селе, расположенном рядом с нефтегазовым месторождением Карачаганак. Репортаж Азаттыка из села Березовка.