Yesterday, on December 4, in the village of Berezovka several more children were hospitalized with symptoms of poisoning by an unknown gas. Journalists witnessed this. This second instance of poisoning of children was cause for an emergency gathering of the villagers.
Impacted Children Continue to Be Removed from the Village of Berezovka
Today six children were admitted to the local clinic from the school and were diagnosed with dizziness, nausea, high blood pressure and abdominal pain. Three …
Prior to the mass poisoning of children in Berezovka there were emissions of hydrogen sulfide on the Karachaganak Field
On the eve of a mass poisoning of children in the village of Berezovka (Burlin district, Western Kazakhstan Region), emissions of hydrogen sulfide took place at the gas processing complex, GP-3, due to an accident at the gas re-injection compressor.
Appeal Regarding the Emergency Situation in the Village of Berezovka
We believe that the emergency, which took place in the village of Berezovka on November 28, 2014, is not a surprise. It is the logical result of unscrupulous fulfillment of responsibilities by state bodies and the result of violations of environmental and industrial safety standards by the consortium, Karachaganak Petroleum Operating, B.V.

Children Poisoned by Unknown Toxins in Berezovka, Kazakhstan, Close to the Karachaganak Oil and Gas Condensate Field
On November 28, 2014, twenty two people (19 children and 3 adults) in the village of Berezovka in western Kazakhstan were poisoned by an unknown toxic substance. The village is located in dangerous proximity to the Karachaganak Oil and Gas Condensate Field, operated by the Karachaganak Petroleum Operating, B.V. consortium, comprised of British Gas, Italy’s ENI, Chevron, Lukoil and Kazmunaigaz. After claiming for several days that they did not know what caused the 22 people to faint, convulse, and require hospitalization, doctors finally stated that the cause was clearly toxic exposure.
The Republic of Chevron — 20 Years of Pollution, Labor Disputes and Harm to Local Communities in Kazakhstan
Crude Accountability announces the publication of its new report, “The Republic of Chevron—20 Years in Kazakhstan,” which chronicles Chevron’s impact on the environment and the rights of workers and local residents through its participation in the development of the Tengiz Oil Field and Karachaganak Oil and Gas Condensate Field in Kazakhstan.
Human Rights Problems in Berezovka, Kazakhstan are Raised within the Walls of the UN
The first Global Forum of the UN on Business and Human Rights was held in Geneva, Switzerland on December 4-5, 2012. Around 1000 participants representing 85 countries, 150 companies and 170 nongovernmental organizations participated in the discussion about the influence of business on human rights and possible use among businesses of the UN Guiding Principles on Human Rights.
Chevron: Irresponsible in Kazakhstan
Widespread environmental violations, failure to disclose revenues and payments, and a long history of failing to take responsibility for these shortcomings are documented in a new film, “Chevron.
Crude Accountability presents excerpts of an interview with Makhambet Khakimov
Crude Accountability presents excerpts of an interview with Makhambet Khakimov, an environmental activist from Atyrau, Kazakhstan, who talks about the impact of twenty years of …
The Board of Directors of Chevron Corporation – Chevron in Kazakhstan
Crude Accountability sent the following statement to the leadership of Chevron in anticipation of the company’s annual shareholders’ meeting to be held on May 30, 2012, …