Emil Shukurov, one of the most prominent members of the environmental movement in Central Asia, 82 years of age, passed on August 23, 2019.

Famous scientist and public figure, Emil Dzhaparovich Shukurov had the most varied interests in science: biology, philosophy, ecology, geography, social science. He was an artist, a poet, a philosopher.
This is an irreparable loss not only for Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia but also for the entire global environmental movement.
Emil Shukurov was an ornithologist, doctor of geographical sciences, professor, candidate of biological sciences, honored scientist of Kyrgyzstan. He has over 400 publications on ecology, zoogeography, zoology, geography, philosophy, sustainable development, gender issues, sociology. He devoted his whole life to the conservation of nature.
Emil Shukurov was the founder of the first in Kyrgyzstan environmental movement Aleine, was an active member of the International Socio-Ecological Union, a member of the Council of the Central Asian Branch of ISAR and the Regional Environmental Center. He was dedicated to protecting the nature of Kyrgyzstan and the Earth.
A man with the deepest knowledge and immense horizons, he was always sincere, principled, and with a great sense of humor.
A lot of Emil Shukurov had started, will live and grow.
The eternal memory of him will live in our hearts and our deeds.