Mariel Kieval, Communications Coordinator May 21st, 2023 marked the beginning of the 10th Annual Global Anti-Chevron Week recognized by communities across the world that have …

chevron campaign
Mariel Kieval, Communications Coordinator May 21st, 2023 marked the beginning of the 10th Annual Global Anti-Chevron Week recognized by communities across the world that have …
Jeffrey Dunn, Research Coordinator Since the outbreak of Russia’s full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine, western governments and companies have taken steps to isolate Russia …
Mike WirthChairman of the BoardChief Executive OfficerChevron6001 Bollinger Canyon RoadSan Ramon, CA 94583 June 2, 2022 Dear Mr. Wirth: We are writing to express our …
May 25, 2016, marked the first international day of action against the US-based Chevron Corporation. Civil society organizations and tens of thousands of activists from …
Interview by Liliya Iglikova (Internet Newspaper ZONA KZ) with Sergey Solyanik (CrudeAccountability) June 11, 2013 (in Russian):
Crude Accountability announces the publication of its new report, “The Republic of Chevron—20 Years in Kazakhstan,” which chronicles Chevron’s impact on the environment and the rights of workers and local residents through its participation in the development of the Tengiz Oil Field and Karachaganak Oil and Gas Condensate Field in Kazakhstan.
Widespread environmental violations, failure to disclose revenues and payments, and a long history of failing to take responsibility for these shortcomings are documented in a new film, “Chevron.
Crude Accountability presents excerpts of an interview with Makhambet Khakimov, an environmental activist from Atyrau, Kazakhstan, who talks about the impact of twenty years of …
Crude Accountability sent the following statement to the leadership of Chevron in anticipation of the company’s annual shareholders’ meeting to be held on May 30, 2012, …
YouTube video – Michelle Kinman speaks to the crowd outside of Chevron’s shareholder meeting in Houston, TX (May 26, 2010)