Showing: 41 - 50 of 162 RESULTS
Kazakhstan recent news

Human Rights Problems in Berezovka, Kazakhstan are Raised within the Walls of the UN

The first Global Forum of the UN on Business and Human Rights was held in Geneva, Switzerland on December 4-5, 2012. Around 1000 participants representing 85 countries, 150 companies and 170 nongovernmental organizations participated in the discussion about the influence of business on human rights and possible use among businesses of the UN Guiding Principles on Human Rights.

Press Release recent news Turkmenistan Advocacy

THE GREAT ENABLERS: International Financial Institutions Pave the Way for the Export of Oil and Gas from the Caspian Region

Crude Accountability’s new report “The Great Enablers: How Investments by International Financial Institutions Threaten the Fragile Caspian Sea Ecosystem,” chronicles the financing by international financial institutions of fossil fuel–related transport and infrastructure projects throughout the Caspian region. These projects enable oil and gas companies to overcome obstacles that would hinder transport of petroleum products to western markets.