On January 20 in the village of Berezovka in Burlin District of Western Kazakhstan Oblast the authorities met with local residents and told them about the results of the investigation into the mass poisoning of children, which took place on November 28 [2014]. In the village on that day, 19 school children of various ages simultaneously began to feel sick and lost consciousness. At the time of the presentation of the results of the working commission, the Vice Premier of Energy, Uzakbai Karbalin and members of the republican commission told the villagers that they would not be relocated. This is what took place in the main hall of the local House of Culture.

At the appointed time for the explanation of the results of the investigation, at 11AM on January 20th, the villagers began to gather at the House of Culture of the village of Berezovka in order to finally find out the reason for the poisoning of their children on November 28, 2014.

In addition to the villagers, police also gathered at the House of Culture, where they observed what was happening. According to our count, over three dozen police officers observed the meeting.

At the entrance to the building, police officers searched bags. One woman was forced to hand over a glass bottle of Coca-Cola.

Vice-Minister Uzakbai Karabalin and the Akim [mayor] of Western Kazakhstan Oblast, Nurlan Nogaev, came to the village to inform the residents of Berezovka about the results of the activity of the working committee.

At 11:20 AM the hall, with a capacity of 250 seats, was completely filled with villagers.

General Director of KPO, BV, Damiano Ratti wished the residents of Berezovka and their children a rapid recovery and stated that in the next two years $30 million would be provided for social projects in Burlin District.

The villagers listened attentively to the presentations, waiting to hear about the most important issue, but the bureaucrats played for time.

While the members of the commission were reading their reports, Nurlan Nogaev and Uzakbai Karabalin quietly exchanged words.

The villagers listened to the presentations by the members of the commission holding signs in their hands.

In the hallway, as you leave my home, it smells like hydrogen sulfide! How can you say that there was no toxic poisoning in the village?” said a local resident to the bureaucrat.

The presentation of villagers who demanded relocation, was met with applause by the residents of Berezovka.

Elena Tarasenko, the mother of a seventh grade student, accused the doctors of lying and stated that the medics gave her son a diagnosis which he had never had before.

The largest number of criticisms was directed at the head of the Department of Health of Western Kazakhstan Oblast, Kamidoll Urmenov. The residents of the village had difficulty finding the words to express their indignation at the doctor’s actions.

A whole group of police officers watched over those who came to the hall.

“What are we supposed to tell our children? Why are you lying?” the villagers said to the akim of the region and the Vice-Minister.

Videos from Uralsk Weekly (In Russian):
From Uralsk Weekly January 21, 2015
Translation by Crude Accountability