Bonn, Germany—Between today, June 3, and June 13, representatives from around the globe will gather in Bonn, Germany to prepare for the Twenty-Ninth Conference of …

Bonn, Germany—Between today, June 3, and June 13, representatives from around the globe will gather in Bonn, Germany to prepare for the Twenty-Ninth Conference of …
[October 19, Linden, VA] – Supported by satellite imagery and rare witness accounts, a new report by Crude Accountability exposes the disturbing expansion and cruelty …
The government of Azerbaijan had signed various international conventions and joined different global agreements but still refuses to meet its obligations related to independent civil …
Dear Country representatives and members of civil society, I am honored to present the violations of social and economic rights of communities impacted by oil …
A month after the brutal attack on Andrey Rudomakha, the leader of Environmental Watch on the North Caucasus (EWNC), the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Krasnodar …
We, members of the Civic Solidarity Platform (CSP), believe that restricting civil society participation in the work of the OSCE would be a tremendous setback …
During the annual HDIM session, Crude Accountability delivered a statement on the rights of environmental defenders in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The …
Crude Accountability, together with Public Association for Assistance to Free Economy (Azerbaijan) and Azerbaijan-based activist Rasul Jafarov filed a complaint to the European Bank for …