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CREW, 80 other groups urge Pelosi and Schumer to pass anti-corruption ENABLERS Act

October 25th, 2022

Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Schumer must do everything they can to ensure that the ENABLERS Act, a critical piece of anti-corruption legislation, is signed into law as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. CREW, Transparency International – US, the FACT Coalition, and 80 other good government, labor, climate, racial, and social justice organizations sent a letter today urging Congressional leaders to send the ENABLERS Act to President Biden’s desk as part of the defense bill. Moments when Congress has the ability to pass transformational legislation are exceedingly rare, and they must not allow this opportunity to rebuild our country’s anti-corruption laws to pass by.

The ENABLERS Act would, among other things, close the legal loophole that allows a web of professionals to help kleptocrats funnel their money into the country and into our markets. Right now, these service providers are not required to conduct basic anti-money laundering checks—steps that can help flag, prevent and stop the flow of illicit funds. The ENABLERS Act would close that loophole, and help stop the flow of corrupt and ill-gotten cash in the first place.

“If the ENABLERS Act passes, Congress will have transformed American anti-corruption law. In just a few years, the United States will be a global leader in the fight against financial corruption.”

Empowering our nation’s financial crime fighters with the ENABLERS Act will help protect and strengthen our democracy while having an impact in the fight against income inequality, environmental degradation, labor exploitation and tax evasion. That’s why the Biden Administration has made passage of ENABLERS a key objective in its fight against corruption, explaining it, “threatens United States national security, economic equity, global anti-poverty and development efforts, and democracy itself.”

The signatory organizations, which come from across the country and the ideological spectrum, including leaders in the fight for economic, climate, racial, and social justice, and to protect and strengthen our democracy, call on Congress to pass the ENABLERS Act in the NDAA.

Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer: don’t waste this rare moment when change is possible.

Read the letter Crude Accountability signed here.

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