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blog Russia Ukraine

The Politics of Emissions Reporting: Russia Seeks International Legitimization of Its Claims to Sovereign Ukrainian Territory

The reporting of greenhouse gas emissions to the United Nations is a seemingly innocuous, bureaucratic task undertaken annually by all developed nations. However, Russia has utilized emissions reporting as a tool in seeking to legitimize its claims over illegally annexed Ukrainian territory. In today’s blog, we will expand on our discussion of the dispute between Russia and Ukraine over emissions reporting, and discuss how the United Nations’ handling of the situation has tacitly lent legitimacy to Russian territorial aggression in Ukraine.

blog Russia Ukraine

Contributions to the Climate Crisis: The Unexpected Cost of Russia’s War in Ukraine

In addition to grave human costs, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has created alarming environmental consequences, with impacts that extend far beyond the Ukrainian border and will last for generations to come. In today’s blog, we examine the environmental impacts of the war, although the scale of the damage is hard to fully track due to serious shortcomings in global emissions reporting mechanisms.



There is nothing more tragic than war. Thousands of innocent people die. War is marked by violence, millions of refugees, hectares of scorched earth, and …