Press Release Turkmenistan Turkmenistan press release

Reform in Turkmenistan: A Convenient Facade

Reform in Turkmenistan: A Convenient Façade

Crude Accountability announces the release of our new report, Reform in Turkmenistan: A Convenient Façade, An Analysis of President Berdymukhammedov’s First Four Years in Power.  The report includes groundbreaking research into Berdymukhammedov’s regime and the reaction of the west to his claims of reform.  It also documents the continued repression of human rights defenders, environmental activists and other members of civil society.

“President Berdymukhammedov’s regime claims to have initiated reforms in government and the economy, which bring Turkmenistan into line with western expectations of political pluralism, democracy and observance of human rights.  In fact, the situation facing civil society in Turkmenistan is as bleak as it has ever been,” said Kate Watters, executive director of Crude Accountability.

“Repeated violations of human rights, failure to comply with international standards, and a total lack of budget transparency make Turkmenistan a dangerous and inhospitable investment environment,” said Michelle Kinman, deputy director of Crude Accountability.  “We invite oil and gas companies, like Chevron, who are considering investment in Turkmenistan, to read our report before they invest in the country’s hydrocarbon sector.”

Reform in Turkmenistan: A Convenient Façade not only documents the presidency of Berdymukhammedov, but also catalogues exploration and production companies as well as oil field service companies investing in the hydrocarbon sector in Turkmenistan.  It provides a current snapshot of the state of investment in the county and the major concerns associated with the sector.

The report is accompanied by a newly published map (available to download in English and Russian) outlining Turkmenistan’s major oil and gas fields, refineries, pipelines and ports, and their relationship to population centers, environmentally protected areas, key geographical features and neighboring countries.

To learn more about Crude Accountability’s campaign for greater transparency and accountability among institutions working in Turkmenistan’s energy sector, please visit our Turkmenistan page.

Crude Press Release
April 28, 2011
Contact: Kate Watters